Category: Post

  • Humanizing Style Advice Through Crowdsourcing

    Humanizing Style Advice Through Crowdsourcing

    In today’s fast-paced world, finding inspiration and confidence in personal style can be a challenge. Traditional style advice often falls short, unable to capture the nuances of individual preferences and cultural backgrounds. Mirro, a unique social app, offers a refreshing solution by leveraging the power of crowdsourcing to provide personalized and human-centric style recommendations. The…

  • Building a Smarter Closet: The Challenges and Solutions of Digital Wardrobe Management

    Building a Smarter Closet: The Challenges and Solutions of Digital Wardrobe Management

    In today’s fast-paced world, organization is key. And what better place to start than your closet? But with overflowing wardrobes and ever-changing trends, managing clothes can feel like a constant battle. Here’s where digital wardrobe management tools like Mirro come in, promising a smarter and more efficient way to organize your clothes. However, creating a…

  • How AI is Shaping the Future of Fashion

    How AI is Shaping the Future of Fashion

    Ever stare into your closet, drowning in clothes, yet feeling utterly naked? Yeah, we’ve all been there and had that paralyzing “nothing to wear” feeling, despite having a closet full of options. But what if the key to unlocking your closet’s potential lies in, not you, a fashion stylist, or any person actually, but artificial…

  • The Story Behind Mirro’s Creation

    The Story Behind Mirro’s Creation

    Staring back from the mirror was me… A 30-year-old woman dressed like a teenage boy. I was wearing a green “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle” t-shirt and it clashed with my red baggy gym shorts – a relic from a teenage wardrobe. This wasn’t the sleek, put-together woman I envisioned. It was an embarrassing reminder of…

  • Split sections with CSS Grid with NO floats

    Split sections with CSS Grid with NO floats

    Parent container’s CSS #1 – This will split things 50/50 However, if you want to add space inbetween these columns with column-gap: 1em, your right child container will get pushed off to the side, which might not be desirable. Parent container’s CSS #2 – This will split things 50/50 and you can add space inbetween WITHOUT…

  • Find out if items in Array1 can be found in Array2

    Find out if items in Array1 can be found in Array2

    I have 2 arrays, and I wanted to find if there were some items that overlapped! This is how I did it: or

  • Join and flatten arrays into a single master array

    Join and flatten arrays into a single master array

    Sometimes you get janky-ass data… so you needed to join a bunch of arrays into one single “MASTER” array. Here’s what I did.

  • Deploying a Static Website to AWS

    Deploying a Static Website to AWS

    1 – You need to have an AWS s3 Account 2 – Install the AWS CLI ( 3 – Configure you AWS Credentials 4 – Configure your package.json to make things easier 5 – Deploy

  • My Go-To Media Queries

    My Go-To Media Queries

    When I’m making a website from scratch I always end up scratching my head on what breakpoints to use for the media queries. There’s just a TON to use. These are my ULTRA SIMPLE go-to media query breakpoints. It’s super simple because there are only two sizes to think about! Small shit vs large shit.