The Story Behind Mirro’s Creation

The Story Behind Mirro’s Creation

Staring back from the mirror was me… A 30-year-old woman dressed like a teenage boy. I was wearing a green “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle” t-shirt and it clashed with my red baggy gym shorts – a relic from a teenage wardrobe.

This wasn’t the sleek, put-together woman I envisioned. It was an embarrassing reminder of the disconnect between who I was and how I presented myself.

Childhood Experience the Workforce

There was a nagging dissonance, however. Despite the comfort of my clothes, a sense of professional respect seemed to elude me. The reason? It dawned on me with a jolt – I simply looked too young. In professional settings, initial impressions often hinge on appearance, and frankly, I resembled a teenager in a casual T-shirt and jeans.

It’s a harsh reality, but let’s face it: no one readily grants respect to the ‘kid’ in the room. Sure, there might be exceptions, but for the most part, first impressions based on appearance hold sway. To exacerbate the issue, my Asian heritage already predisposes me to a youthful appearance. The casual attire simply amplified this perception, solidifying the image of a recent computer science graduate rather than the experienced professional I strived to be.

This realization gnawed at me. Like any ambitious individual, I craved professional recognition and advancement. My attire, however, was hindering that progress, creating a disconnect between my internal aspirations and my external presentation.

Possible Solution

While intrigued by personalized styling services like Stitch Fix and Trunk Club, Trunk Club’s price point ultimately proved unsustainable. Additionally, with limited closet space, the idea of accumulating new clothes every month wasn’t realistic.

The Birth of Mirro

Staring at the mismatch of clothes culminating in that faded Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle shirt, frustration surged. Shouldn’t everyone, myself included, be able to feel stylish without breaking the bank on a personal stylist? Couldn’t technology bridge the gap? Couldn’t everyone explore their own style without feeling like a fashion fake? That’s when the idea for Mirro ignited.

Mirro is more than a digital closet – it’s about self-discovery and feeling confident. We want everyone to explore their personal style and feel good in what they wear.

Mirro Timeline
  • January 2023 – Market Research
  • April 2023 – User Research
  • May 2023 – Product Design
  • June 2023 – Product Development MVP 1
  • August – December 2023 – Product Development MVP 2
  • January 2024 – Invite friends and family
  • February 2024 – Onboard YouTube Influencers Part 1
  • March 2024 – Onboard YouTube Influencers Part 2
  • April 2024 – Onboard YouTube Influencers Part 3
  • May 2024 – Invite waitlisted users
  • June 2024 – Attempt social media marketing like an idiot
  • July 2024 – Onboard non-influencer users. Still cranking it!

Want to check out my older posts? Click here.





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  1. […] Want to read about the story behind Mirro’s creation? Click here. […]

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