Category: Post
Align Divs on a Line
A few days ago I had to make a few divs of varying height. Unfortunately, they were looking a little wonky because they weren’t aligning. I made them display: inline-block, but what’s going on? Making my divs display as inline-block was to make my divs appear on the same line. However, it was not enough to make them straight. TLDR; I had…
Copy Text With JS
I found this jewel somewhere:
Setting up React & Hot Reloader
my package.json should look like this: add the following script: my webpack.config.js should look like this: my webpack.deployment.config.js should look like this: my app/index.js should looke like this: my app/Component.jsx should looke like this: my index.html should look like this:
So I Started Using VIM
So I recently started using VIM and now I can’t stop typing :q whenever I want to close random browser windows. Here are the VIM plugins I’ve been using: VIM Plug – for adding VIM plugins Nerd Tree – VIM tree view Nerd Tree Git – git plugin to view git status in tree view Emmet – for fast HTML &…
(Swift) Programmatically Segue
Using the code from my previous post on segues, here’s a snippet:
Launch Sublime in Terminal
Launch Sublime: subl Launch an entire folder: subl . Launch a particular file: subl
(Swift) Adding Audio
Utilize AudioToolbox and make a class, Sound, to pass in the filename of you audio file and it’s type. Tools: Then, call it like so:
(Swift) Stop Using the Storyboard
I started learning Swift about three months ago and when I started I used the storyboard. This post will be a snippet of how you can stop using the storyboard! The major benefit of not using the storyboard is not having messy merge conflicts. Long story short, the storyboard file is a fairly large xml file and every time you open it something changes. Every…
(Swift) Layout Constraints
A whiles back ago I was trying to learn how constraints work. Today, I still have no idea what the heck is going on. While learning, I can across a bunch of tutorials that helped. However, I don’t remember what blog I particularly liked. This post contains a couple of classes that I made to help me…