Kaixo! Ramblings written by Smith Suth who works at the intersection of Design, Engineering, and Product.
My Go-To Media Queries
When I’m making a website from scratch I always end up scratching my head on what breakpoints to use for the media queries. There’s just a TON to use. These are my ULTRA SIMPLE go-to media…
(Swift) Creating a Custom Delegate
Exposing a function from UIViewController A to a CUSTOM UIVIEW such that you can call it. CUSTOM UIVIEW UIViewController A
(SCSS) Get-Map
Creating variables, or tokens, is pretty handy when you want to tidy up your styles. You can create what I call a grouped variable. You can then use the variable like this:
(SCSS) Nesting with at-root
Use @at-root to extend your styles.
Check for color with Regex
Hey, are you in need of checking if a string is hex, rgb, rgba, hsl, and hsla? Look no further. Regexr Example
Remove Mirage Logs
These past couple of days I’ve been using Mirage, and the console will output a bunch of messages by default. To turn them off, use the following in your config.js:
Command to Compress and Password Protect
Lately I’ve been needing to send some folks password protected zip files. Below is a short and basic snippet that you can use to run in your terminal. Once your run the above snippet, enter a…
Transform camelCase a Camel Case with Regex
I’m quite terrible at regex, but lately I figured that I actually really need to learn it. Below is a snippet for transforming “camelCase” strings into “Camel Case” strings.
Troubleshoot ESLint $ Errors